Dive into the world of Sesame Street Mecha Builders, a preschool app that infuses fun with education through interactive STEM-based challenges. Crafted by StoryToys in partnership with Sesame Workshop, this app reimagines beloved characters like Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Abby Cadabby as robotic heroes-in-training. Designed for children aged 2-6, it brings the excitement of STEM learning to your little ones while nurturing their curiosity, imagination, and creativity. Strap up and get ready to blast off into a world of superhero-powered learning!
- Watch as your young ones navigate the world of their favorite Mecha Pals, solving STEM-based challenges through playful interactive games and tasks.
- The app places a strong emphasis on promoting creativity. Budding artists can draw, paint, explore colors and even engage with music.
- Believing in the power of open play, the app offers a nurturing sandbox environment where children are free to create, experiment, and discover at their own pace.
- To encourage emotional development, the app provides opportunities to develop resilience, persistence, and self-expression.
- Parents aren't left out too! The app supports parents’ involvement in their children's fun learning process. Its multi-touch functionality allows parents to join their little one's STEM adventures.