Enter the exhilarating world of Sonic the Hedgehog in Sonic Dash - Endless Running, an action-packed endless running game crafted by the talented team at SEGA. Engage in a pulse-pounding adventure with Sonic and his companions including Knuckles, Tails, and more. Dash past a variety of challenging obstacles and traverse through entertaining 3D race courses. This engrossing running game is a perfect blend of thrill and excitement, guaranteeing to keep both kids and adults on the edge of their seats.
- Sprint at lightning speed with Sonic in this riveting endless running game. Unleash his super speed to outrun and outpace opponents.
- Dynamic running, jumping and racing abilities put your skills to the test. Navigate through exciting courses filled with loop-de-loops and challenging obstacles to finish the race in record time.
- Experience heart-stopping action on visually stunning courses that transport you to another universe. Feel the adrenaline surge with every twist, turn and epic jump.
- Team up with Sonic's friends and choose your favourite hero for a high-octane dash. Unlock new characters as you hit milestones in this exhilarating race.