Space Survivor

Space Survivor





Space Survivor is an intense survival game set deep in the cosmos where darkness and silence are treacherous forces to navigate. In this terrifying space odyssey, you command a spaceship that was ambushed, infiltrated by creepy, insidious monsters with a single agenda, to wipe out your team. Your mission? To build the ultimate defense, evade the monsters, and do whatever it takes to survive. With danger lurking in every corner, the silent rooms can quickly turn into your own personal asylum as you employ strategy to repel the monsters. But be warned, if you are caught even once, it could spell doom for your spaceship and your team.


  • Space Survivor is a game of strategy where players fortify their defenses using gold they collect, becoming stronger with each upgrade. Avoid venturing out during peak darkness to increase your survival chances. If attack commences, be ready to hit the repair button in time to reinforce your defenses.
  • The game does not propose an escape as a solution. Instead, it requires the player to stay put, strategize and fight back. The real challenge resides in the player's ability to outlast, in their room of asylum, until darkness recedes.
  • Space Survivor touts several types of monsters, each with unique attacking mechanisms. Some monsters can cripple your weapons with their mind whilst others are deadly fast, keeping you constantly on your toes.
  • The game features an intuitive interface where players primarily interact through tapping to build and upgrade weapons, making the game incredibly easy to play yet exciting.

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